Saturday, April 25, 2020


Thesis- To Be Unstuck In Time And Fight Or To Be Against War And Not F Essay Thesis- To be unstuck in time and fight or to be against war and not fight. I. How Kurt Vonnegut uses Fragmentation. A. Keeping Dresden fresh in the readers mind. We will write a custom essay on Thesis- To Be Unstuck In Time And Fight Or To Be Against War And Not F specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 1. Billy goes back to Dresden reader goes with him. 2. First hand account of the massacre. a. Live through the horrors of warb. The reader is able to reflect on the horrors of war. II. Time there is no past,present or future in Slaughterhouse-five. A. Billy learns this view of all time existing from a group of aliens calledTralfamadorians. 1. There way of looking at time is comparable to a humans way of looking ata stretch of the Rocky Mountains.2. All things are destined to happen. B. Constantly seeing things through Billys eyes. 1. Reader is with Billy wherever he goes. 2. so it goesIII. Vonnegut presents the war experience as one that still goes on. A. Billy never leaves the war. 1. The reader does not leave the war2. Reader is not able to experience the war. B. Horrific details1. Saves the actual account of the bombing until the reader entrenched in thenarrative. 2. Reader is denied the luxury of saying that he or she has seen worse. IV. Billy steps out of time. A. Planet Trafalmadore1. Heavenly2. Billy is only allowed to have peace hereB. Aliens teach Billy. 1. View his own line as a long line rather than concentrating on one point inparticular. 2. View the novel as a whole rather than pieces of events. V. Verge of Billy breaking up. A. Pressures of the outside worlds. 1. Finds himself in different events. 2. a constant state of stage frightB. Splitting himself into different parts. 1. Husband,soldier and employer2. Seems to be spread a little too thin to handle all of these roles. VI. Billy agesA. Becomes separated from himself1. Play a role at each stage of his life. 2. Even when he steps out of time he is still performing. B. Billy is always on stage1. The dangers of role playing surfaces with the example of Billy Pilgrim. 2. Billy is a person who must pretend in order to be..